"Give them...the gift of joy and wonder..."

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Wonder: Rubber Egg

With Easter on the horizon, what should come to mind but eggs! This delightfully simple project is just silly enough to make eggs a wonder in a whole new way.

Tiny hands will love this project in all its stages!

A squeezy, springy egg!

To try this yourself you’ll need:

1 raw egg*
(hard-boiled for the cautious)
small jar with lid
white vinegar to cover
food coloring (optional)

*2 eggs may be wiser in case of breakage.

Day 1
Gently deposit the egg into a jar of your choosing. Cover the egg entirely with white vinegar, leaving room at the top to breathe. Using your fingers, roll the egg around a bit to ensure that the entire surface has been married with the vinegar. As it floats, exposed areas won't react without this ‘rubdown’.

Close cover loosely to allow pressure to equalize. Put your egg where it can’t be accidently disturbed but can be easily viewed. Throughout the day, tiny hands can help the egg along in its transformation by opening the jar (with help) and gently rotating it in the vinegar bath. (If foam collects on top of the solution, remove it with spoon or fingers.)

Suggestion for the Inquisitive: To lend an official air of experimentation to this endeavor, place another egg in a jar covered with water and compare these two specimens as the transformation takes place.

Day 2 & 3
Continue to inspect your egg not only with your eyes, but with your fingers. Rub the surface gently to encourage the shell to dissolve. When the hard shell is dissolved you can add a food coloring of your choice. When the egg achieves the desired color, drain off the vinegar. Enjoy your rubber egg!

If your egg survives being enjoyed, you can preserve it by putting it back in the damp jar, closing the lid tightly, and storing it in your refrigerator. The star of our video is a month old!

Test Drive

The Wonder: Over 2 or 3 days the vinegar gradually dissolves the calcium in the egg shell, leaving only the tough, rubbery membrane to hold the egg together.

The Joy: Taking tiny everyday things and watching a simple yet miraculous transformation take place. Getting your hands wet, enjoying your egg's damp, springy, gelatinous feel, and bouncing (gently) your amazing rubber egg!

Future Reference: In black or orange, these eggs make an excellent addition to your Halloween spook house!